
48th Artigianato Pinerolo from 5 to 8 September

31 August 2024

4 minutes

The program of the forty-eighth edition of “Artigianato Pinerolo” which will take place from 5 to 8 September 2024 is nourished.
There are many appointments for young and old in the name of craftsmanship with workshops, talks, exhibitions and music.
It will also be an opportunity in the three days from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 September to meet Italea Piemonte at the stand set up in Piazza San Donato In particular, you will find us on Friday from 17 aslle 23, Saturday from 10 to 24 and Sunday from 10, to 21:30).

After the preview on Wednesday 4 September with “Fuori Tempo” talk with Carlotta Vagnoli at the courtyard of the Bishopric, on Thursday 5 September at 19:30 the Street Food opens in Piazza Marconi and at 20:45 there will be the second talk with Turbo Paolo and at 21:30 in Piazza Marconi lots of music in the area prepared with Savo and the precises.

Among the highlights of the event we point out at 18:00 on Friday 6 September the inauguration of the event with the greeting of the Mayor Luca Salvai and institutional partners and the celebration of the 60 years of Pinerolo-GAP twinning in memory of Ezio Giaj.

In addition to the events and the fair, you can consult the entire program, we want to point out the interesting exhibitions that can be visited during the holidays.

The taste of Doing.
Ezio Giaj
: the exhibition traces the different fields of action in which Ezio Giaj has poured ideas and energies, manifesting great intuitions and visions having particularly at heart the knowledge, traditions, customs, music, language and food, the “Minor” culture of mountain and country people…

Nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Characters and performers, landscapes and figures
: with the precious collaboration of Prof. Mario Marchiando Pacchiola, the Poët Del Ponte ETS Foundation brings to the Pinacoteca Civica d’Arte of Palazzo Vittone the exhibition “Nineteenth and twentieth centuries: characters and interpreters, landscapes and figures”, an emotional immersion, through paintings and sculptures, in two fundamental centuries of Art History.

Elegance in uniform.
A tale of fashion and military history
La mostra, visitabile presso il Museo Storico dell’Arma di Cavalleria di Pinerolo, offre l’opportunità di esplorare la connessione tra moda femminile e uniformi militari dal 1849 al 1943, attraverso la storia della Scuola di Cavalleria.
Una quarantina i capi presenti, ai quali si sommano cappelli, copricapi e corsetti.
La mostra, curata da Laura Tessaris, storica del costume, esplora non solo le trasformazioni stilistiche ma anche le storie umane che si celano dietro le vesti per un viaggio nella storia del costume, dalle frivolezze degli abiti da ballo della seconda metà dell’Ottocento al rigore dei completi femminili ispirati alle uniformi negli Anni Quaranta.
Domenica 8 settembre sarà presente il gruppo storico Nobiltà Sabauda con balli d’epoca.
Ingresso libero

Pinerolo in Painting.
Pinerolo in figurative art
: More than fifty works, which over thirty artists during the ‘900 and at the end of this century, have dedicated to the city of Pinerolo. Guest of honor Carlo Bossoli, painter of the Italian Risorgimento, on display with a wonderful representation of the hill of San Maurizio.
Two exhibition rooms in dialogue with each other: the Salone del Circolo Sociale (via del Duomo 1 in front of the town hall first floor) and the Pinacoteca Civica d’Arte in Palazzo Vittone (piazza Vittorio Veneto 8).
Friday 6 – Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 September from 17.00 to 23.00.
Free admission.
(Circolo Sociale, via del Duomo 1 and Pinacoteca Civica d’Arte in Palazzo Vittone)

Sport is joy.
Giovanni Minozzi
(Sala Comba, Teatro sociale di Penrolo): On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of fencing in Pinerolo, the Pinerolo Fencing Academy in collaboration with the Municipality of Pinerolo propose the photographic exhibition “Sport is joy” by Giovanni Minozzi.
Organized by Eurofork and Toh Creative Agency.

Italian migrations (Piazza San Donato): In Piazza San Donato there will be a station of Italea Piemonte, the MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Program for the development and promotion of Roots Tourism, launched on the occasion of the 2024 Year of Italian Roots in the World, aimed at creating a specific offer for travelers in search of their origins, therefore Italians residing abroad and Italo descendants.
Created by Radici Piemontesi ETS in collaboration with the Centro Studi Altre Italie.

The world of shells between sacred and profane (Viale della mRimembranza): The project was developed during the 2023-24 school year and involved about 10 teachers and over 120 students in the creation of drawings, sculptures, multimedia works that read the shell subject according to various declinations.
Free admission.


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