Italea Piemonte

The cooperative company Radici Piemontesi ETS was founded in July 2023 following the Call for Ideas promoted by MAECI DGIT as part of the 2024 Year of Roots project.

Now, like Italea Piemonte, within the vast regional and national Italea network, it builds and proposes a dedicated tourist and cultural offer for Travellers of the roots.

An offer of itineraries and activities that considers both the richness of stories, cultures, landscapes, villages and traditions of the Piedmont Region and the specificity of the Traveller of the roots and his search for places of family and community memory.

This new “roots” tourist offer is aimed primarily at the more than six million Italians of Piedmontese origin residing in the world and takes care of every single service that can facilitate their trip to Italy: specific and customizable travel itineraries, experiential activities, dedicated services. Equal attention is given to local communities by creating events, meetings, workshops aimed at strengthening both the welcome and the relationship with communities abroad by reconnecting, when possible, stories, knowledge and traditions and, also, to enhance and promote territories and villages through respectful, attentive and seasonally adjusted tourism.

From Pinerolo to Waldensian Valleys, from Canavesano to Biella, from Verbano Cusio Ossola to Asti, from Langhe and Monferrato to Cuneo, Italea Piemonte makes use of senior and junior professionals, designers, tour operators, researchers, guides, genealogists, travel designers, tour operators, communicators and the contribution of institutional, public and private partners.

Each of these realities is a node of a territorial network that actively and proactively contributes to creating, strengthening and developing all the necessary conditions so that every Traveller of the roots is helped to satisfy the desire that has set him on his journey: to discover and learn about his origins and his places.