Galleries and archives

Stories and events of your ancestors. Get to know the Italian emigration

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Luogo:Torino (TO)


The experience

In the heart of Turin, in the historic rooms of Palazzo Tapparelli D’Azeglio, you will enter the history of the Risorgimento, the Waldensian history and the history of Italian migrations in the world. In fact, it is here that the Altreitalie Study Center on Italian Migration in the World is located.

The seventeenth-century palace was the residence of the famous Tapparelli D’Azeglio family and home of the D’Azeglio brothers: Massimo politician, patriot, painter, writer and Roberto politician, patriot and first signatory, on 30 November 1847, of the petition that led to the emancipation first of the Waldensians and then of the Jews of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

After a short visit to the rooms, which will amaze you with the encounter of different architectural and decorative styles, the result of the succession of various artistic and cultural influences that have led it to change in its more than three centuries of life, You will enter the history and stories of Italian and Piedmontese emigration. With the help of multimedia, you will be able to learn how to use “Search Your Roots”, a search engine that allows you to find the names of family members on the landing lists for Argentina, the United States and Brazil.

Visit lenght

2 hours

Offer in


Information/To know

Location/The place


Centro Altreitalie sulle Migrazioni Italiane, Via Principe Amedeo 34, 10123 Torino

How to get there

Meet in Piazza Vittorio Veneto or, alternatively, at the entrance of the Mole Antonelliana. 5 min walk.

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Altreitalie Center

Schedule and timetable

Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Check the business's official website for up-to-date information.
