
Great Emigrant Festival - Brusnengo (VC)

28 September 2024

2 minutes

Brusnengo, a town in the province of Vercelli, remembers its history of emigration on Sunday 6 October with a day dedicated to historical emigrations thinking about the future.

The event was created to remember all the Brusnenghesi who emigrated abroad over the years, when the journey to foreign countries was seen as an important step in everyone’s life because, when you decided to leave, you didn’t always know if you would return.

Often the journey was forever: in search of fortune, better living conditions, work and success.

Brusnengo emigrants are found all over the world: from Africa, especially in Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa, to America: guests from Lexington in Missouri, a town with which Brusnengo has been twinned since 2004, will be present at the party to South America but also to New Zealand.

This event will also be attended by representatives of the municipality of Orero, a town in the Ligurian hinterland, with which they would like to establish a future twinning.

During the day of celebration, Nina Talocchino and the “Voice of Brusnengo” will also be remembered, a periodical that, since 1948, reported the news of Brusnengo to all the people of Brusnengo in the world.

At10:30 a.m. at the memorial stone in memory of the emigrants in front of the parish church of Brusnengo, Holy Mass will follow and then the emigrant lunch.

The celebrations will end with a visit to the Museum of the Emigrant of Roasio.

During lunch it will be possible to view the short films “A country where to return” made in 2023 in Brusnengo thanks to the students of the video laboratory of the project “Contiamo si di noi -H2O”, a project by Manuela Tamietti and Maurizio Pellegrini for Storie di Piazza aps.

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