
Italea Piemonte and ANCI Piemonte together for roots tourism

08 February 2025

2 minutes

Italea Piemonte and ANCI Piemonte together for roots tourism
Training meetings and presentation to Piedmontese mayors of the opportunities of roots tourism

Italea Piemonte and ANCI Piemonte announce a collaboration to promote roots tourism in Piedmont. The agreement provides for a series of training and presentation meetings dedicated to mayors, with the aim of providing tools and knowledge to welcome and support roots travelers.

ANCI Piemonte, National Association of Italian Municipalities – Piedmont Section ( represents the interests of Piedmontese municipalities by supporting their development, also through the enhancement of roots tourism.

Italea Piemonte ( is a project, promoted by MAECI DGIT as part of the Year of Roots project, which aims to enhance the cultural, historical and landscape heritage of Piedmont, with a particular focus on small villages and lesser-known territories.

The program of meetings includes the following appointments:

  • Saturday, February 15 | 10:00 – 17:00 (with visit in the afternoon) – Unione Montana Valle Susa
  • Saturday, April 26 | 3 h morning + 2 h afternoon (workshop) – Casale Monferrato
  • Thursday, May 29 | 10:00 – 17:00 – City of Turin, corso Inghilterra 7 – Turin
  • Monday, June 16 | 10:00 – 17:00 (with afternoon visit) – Lagnasco (Cuneo)

During the meetings, mayors and local administrators will be able to deepen their knowledge of the potential of roots tourism with particular attention to:


  • Reception and services for travellers of the roots: how to prepare the registry office and other municipal offices to support travellers in the search for their origins, what specific services to offer: translations, specialised guides, information on the places of origin of families.
  • Collaboration with third sector organizations and pro loco: how to involve these realities in the creation of authentic experiences for travelers of the roots: personalized guided tours, craft workshops, tastings of typical products linked to local history.
  • Creating integrated travel offers: how to develop offers that include, in addition to genealogical research, the discovery of the cultural, historical and food and wine heritage of the area, with a focus on the traditions and history of local communities.



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