
Civiasco: on the Rambla

05 August 2024

2 minutes

La Rambla is the famous avenue in Barcelona (Spain) one kilometer and four hundred meters long known all over the world.
Few people know that the small town of Civiasco, in Valsesia, is inextricably linked with this road.
The history of Civiasco is characterized by the migrations that, starting from the eighteenth century, have led the inhabitants of the town to Spain. The people of Civiasco have been the protagonists of an entrepreneurial adventure of great importance that has even led them to innovate the Iberian hotel sector and which has given back to Civiasco, in the following centuries, its peculiar architecture in Moorish Art Nouveau style, which is unique in the whole Valsesia.

Sulla Rambla is the initiative that ideally reconnects Civiasco to Barcelona thanks to the fundamental role of emigrants, reconnecting two very distant but very close geographical realities thanks to architectural styles and traditions that have been handed down as a common cultural baggage over the centuries, giving testimony in perhaps the most important artifact: the house!

On Sunday 11 August from 11:00 am, starting from the Church of San Rocco we will be able to admire, thanks to a guided tour, palaces, houses and the Ercole Durio da Roc Civic Museum listening to stories and readings.

At 1:00 p.m. a lunch of Catalan specialties awaits us

At 16:00 Paola Bertello and Cecilia Lasagno will perform in “Minima Floralia”: a popular concert of ancient sacred and popular music.
From the wonders of Hildegard of Bingen, to the Cantigas de Santa Maria, passing through Scottish legends and Catalan tradition.

It will end with a convivial moment based on Sangria and music.

Attend in large numbers!

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