
Exhibition "The Flavors of Women - Recipes of our Valleys"

12 July 2024

4 minutes

13 July at 4.30 pm Bousson – House of Tombstones

On Saturday 13 July at 4.30 p.m. the exhibition “The Flavors of Women – Recipes of our Valleys” curated by Contempora, Giuliana Armand, Raquel Barriuso Diez will remain open until Sunday 1 September.

The inauguration ceremony will be attended by the new mayor Daniele Mazzoleni with the deputy mayor Matteo Ferragut and the councilor for tourism Marco Vottero.

An exhibition that will remain open every day, except Mondays, with afternoon hours from 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

This exhibition aims to be a recognition of the crucial role of women in preserving and passing on traditions.

Raquel Barriuso Diez “The women walked the bumps and ridges to make grass, processed the milk to produce butter and cheese, “swept” the stable and cleaned the irrigation ditches that conducted water for the animals. In the winter in the evening they gathered in the stables to spin, chat and pass the time. The hearth of the house “the kitchen” was the exclusive kingdom of women. Almost nothing was bought, everything was grown, prepared and processed mainly by women. How much effort had to be done before being able to cook a “meal” for the family. Recipes were rarely written, but handed down orally. Giuliana Armand, a native of Bousson, writer of books on the tradition and culture of our territory, wrote the texts and recipes of her grandmother and mother. You will find described on the panels not only recipes but an investigation over time on nutrition, on the types of bread baked in the village, on the vegetables that were grown on the family gardens, on how women made butter, cheeses, and on special foods and condiments. On display are period furniture and objects that were present in each kitchen. Bousson’s women, present in the installation, will welcome you to the exhibition through their colorful period aprons”.

In addition, at the Bousson Stone House Museum it will also be possible to find, in the new installations, the history of the Boussonese Community:

Architecture- 1695-2022 photographic panels of Bousson’s grange before and after the recent renovations, historical photos of the village, and panels of architectural details. A video will introduce the typology of construction of the territory.

Writing in War – Emotions and stories of Boussona soldiers: on display uniforms and period objects from the First and Second World Wars. In a very moving video, the diary written by a soldier in the trenches of the Russian war is read by his son.

How we skied: on display vintage skis and mannequins dressed in the clothes that were used in the last century for skiing.

Women’s dresses: they tell the story of period dresses with descriptive panels and a video that highlights the details, fabrics and trimmings of their tailoring.

Men’s clothes: Work clothes and party clothes, shoes etc. are on display.

Customs and traditions of marriage 1850-1950: on display the women’s and men’s dresses used for the ceremony. In the video vintage photographs of Boussonesi’s weddings, notes on trousseaux etc.

Uses and customs on the life of children 1850-1950 an exhibition space for newborns, with vintage clothing and cradles, clothes and bonnets for children and a corner dedicated to school, with old notebooks from the mid-1800s. A video with vintage photos of the children of Bousson will tell you about their lives, from games to school.

Genealogy and ancient crafts: on the lower floor an exhibition dedicated to the History of the Community, with panels of the family trees of the families present in the community today and objects related to the various trades. A video “The Earth” with images from the 50s will show you the Boussonesi working in the fields, harvesting hay, harvesting potatoes etc.

The volunteers of the Contempora association who take care of the opening of the museum will be at your disposal to deepen the themes you want, and to show you the video of your choice.

The Mayor Daniele Mazzoleni invites to the exhibition: “The Casa delle Lapidi Museum was inaugurated in January 2016, with the aim of promoting and preserving the material and intangible culture of the community. Over the years, many themed exhibitions have been hosted, always with this aim of territorial enhancement. This summer’s exhibition deals with a theme that has not yet been touched upon and will help us to discover and rediscover what have been the authentic flavors of our villages. Thanks therefore go to those who set up the exhibition and to the volunteers of the Contempora Association who will allow visits during these summer months”.

Come and rediscover your Piedmontese roots in this timeless place.

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